Why Japan bleak future?

Whenever I come to Japan, I can see a lot of Japanese people who have downcast eyes, despondent look and glum face.
Comparing to Indian whom I see here, they are vigorous, having vibrant personality, animated conversation, frisky nature, exuberant spirit, ebullient character, which is totally different from Japan.
When I arrive at Haneda Airport, I feel despondent mood. It is so different from India atmosphere and Japan atmosphere which is quiet and monotonous.

What happened to Japan?

I think people in this country and this generation have been changed due to some reason particularly working salaried workers taking on the company style for long term stint.

They are wondering whether I am not cut out for this job. enthusiasm has worn off and in the office and daily work, they shy away from making mistakes and always clam up at the meetings.

Some people try to carve out their careers by drawing on their experiences, and flirt with the ideas how to jump at the chances.  But unfortunately, it does not pan out well. SO it  cancels out hope. Then he will chicken out and brood over his past success. Finally, they cop out of life.

If they are in their late 40s or early 50s, they are in hot water and in a catch-22 situation to mull over for going out or remaining in the same company until retirement age. The retirement is 60 years old and they are still capable to work physically in good health by sweating it out to the end and slaving away. Reflecting his past working career, keeping his nose to the grindstone and working himself to the bone, he cannot keep his head temper and goes to pieces.

This is the typical Japanese workers mentality.




Interesting Data, Indian marriage age

According to Times of India, intriguing census data shows.
Young Indian generation prefer to get married at more older age year by year.

In the case of 40 years ago, 99 % of young women got hitched before 25 years old. Surprisingly, they took to the altar before the age of 18,  counting the number of 50 %!
In the case of men, at that time, 16 %.

But nowadays, the recent survey shows, young women tie the not before 18 years old are only 17 %.
However, even still now, young women prefer to get married before 25 years old accounting 93 %, which is very different situation from Japan. 

Anyway, please have a look at the census of the news article below.


Welcome this legislation for anti-air pollution

I have been living in Bangalore more than 6 years.
Compared to 6 years ago, year by year the traffic in the city has become worse and worse teeming with tremendous number of vehicles running and  being appalled number of autorickshaws if you visit and see the first time in Bangalore. On the road everywhere in the city, cars, bikes and autos are crawling including caws.
If you see the sight this traffic thronged with vehicles, you may feel it like swarming with insects.
Accordingly, the air pollution became obnoxious. Already in Delhi, the air pollution is corroborated worst in the world by WHO,  which is social stigma.

But the good news is that the state government is considering new legislation of banning 2-stroke engine autos running in the city. Because, 2-stroke engine spew out repugnant smell smoke.

Anyway, if you download and see the article below, you will understand better.