According to today’s Times of India, the article of ” Five amazing things” was circulated.
As I am always pointing out it is very important to envisage what will happen in not only near future but also the long term future. But 5 years is not long term future.
If you have your own view and be ready for the future, you don’t be afraid of future.
This article herald the inception of rapid change of society caused by development of new technologies. They illuminate the points as below.
1. Google self-driving cars on the road
2. Netflix everywhere in the world
3. Zuckerberg’s vision for a mostly video Facebook
4. Musk’s killer robot nightmare
5. Amazon drone delivery
One of serious projection is NO. 4 as Musk articulate his view. AI would get rid of human.
AI is, as you know, artificial Intelligence, which technology is growing drastically due to new concept of Deep Learning. Only two decade ago, AI was in winter stage because there was no tremendous progress in the area. But suddenly, for example, IBM Watson computer won over the human and became champion of TV show game contest. Also, Google is releasing self-driving car within 5 years. In that case, the social implication and ramification will be huge.
Imagine that teeming with a lot of driver-less car on the street in your town, what will happen.
Employment rate will be which rate? Then a lot of unemployment might happen, which would drive vast number of jobs from human and will propagate trepidation about future.
Brace for tough future society!